Why I Love Counter-Strike/How to Play Counter-Strike
Today I jump at the chance to talk about an integral part of my PC/innovation career. Out of the blue, it is my ability on the game called Counter-Strike. I might want to impart to my readers my insight which helped me to be regarded as kind of a "specialist" on the field of the said game. More than anything, I want to teach you how be the best on it. Also, I might want to talk about the significance it has in my life and the potential it has to touch others' lives as well.
I can't imagine existence without Counter-Strike (specifically the rendition 1.3 one). Obviously, you can educate that I am nostalgic concerning it. I heard about the latest form that the makers of Counter-Strike are growing right now, which is Counter-Strike Global Offensive. I can already see the importance of your experience on playing Counter-Strike 1.3 on turning out to be great on that latest form; which can get to be handy especially now that on the tournaments of these stuff, you can get something over a million dollars as a prize.
Things being what they are, how about we go into the heart of it: how to be great on counter-strike 1.3? Number 1, Brightness. Adversaries are hard to see with the default splendor of the game. Meaning, on the off chance that you are not the server of the game this is a need (this may appear to be unnecessary yet believe me it is. It sounds silly yet it is most certainly not). In this way, to have the capacity to do it, write "map de_dust" on the console. Wait for the console to take you to (think about where) de_dust. After, snap ~, and sort and enter on the console "splendor 999." After that, enter "map de_dust" again. Wait until it gets you to de_dust again. Seconds ago, it has the ideal splendor which will doubtlessly help you differentiate somebody who is your foe and companion on the game.
Number 2: Controls. Before starting to play the game, go to the controls part. Click defaults. After that, change how you can purchase with F1 instead of B; and how to purchase bombs with F4 instead of M. For those of you who are interested, this would make you purchase weapons, ammunition, and bombs faster which will make you more proficient on the game. Note, purchase ammunitions with F1 + 6 and F1 + 7, instead of the alternative form. Trust me on this.
Number 3: Don't be the server as much as conceivable. This is entirely crucial. The most important reason why is that you would not have the capacity to utilize system number 1, which is the brilliance part. There is basically no chance to get of doing it. Also, on the off chance that you are playing in a web cafe, which is what in all probability is the case (because that is the easiest way to play it with other individuals; trust me), you cannot stop just anytime that you want because you would annoy different players. When you quit the game, different players will be detached to the game as well. I would not stress such a great amount on this certain strategy, but rather I just thought you ought to know something about it.
Number 4: Weapon decision. We should face the elephant in the room. The main best weapon decision for the game is the rifleman one. Pair it with gun F1 + 1 and you have an impeccable combo. The key here is practice. Train utilizing the rifleman one so you execute foes unequivocally as fast as conceivable and you would always be ready. Also, in the event that you master utilizing your gun to slaughter foes with headshots that would be an or more. Not that I am overselling, you can attempt different weapons yet this would always be the ideal combo/one.
Number 5: Strategic situating on the game. This is about where you go on the game (the path you pick). The trap here is picking maximum productivity. What I mean here is pick your position on the game with the goal that you balance your safety and ability to slaughter foes in the most ideal way. Players on this game are extremely vulnerable. You can get executed in literally an instant. Secure yourself as much as conceivable without losing your ability to slaughter foes. Since you already picked your ideal arrangement of weapons, this would resemble a walk in the park. With an expert marksman, pick a place where you can utilize it such that you are covered up yet at the same time has the vision to chase your preys.
Number 6: Map decision: you just have three choices for this: cs_deathmatch, de_dust, de_dust2. Why? It is really enticing to say because when you are already into the game, because it is only the way it is. In any case, for learners out there, it is only the way it is because it would make the game fairer if you catch my drift. There is no special treatment and/or unfair advantage for either teams. In this manner, players equally appreciate the game (which is always something worth being thankful for).
Obviously, it has a significant impact on my life. More than anything, it taught me how to be a team player and accept defeat graciously. It is a game where you can act naturally, make mistakes, get defeated or win with no weight or somebody passing judgment on you. Personally, it is a decent domain to be in as a tyke. It may also added to my tech-savvyness. Notwithstanding it's rough connotation, I disagree that it has negative impacts on anybody. In this way, it didn't lead me to be fierce to other individuals. Contrary, it made me more compassionate, warm, and social.
I trust this helped you turn out to be better on Counter-Strike. Something else, in the event that it made you inquisitive about the game, great! Good fortunes playing it! I guarantee you it would be justified, despite all the trouble.